Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sexy or NO you tell me

sex·y [sek-see]
–adjective, sex·i·er, sex·i·est.
1.concerned predominantly or excessively with sex; risqué: a sexy novel.
2.sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality: the sexiest professor on campus.
3.excitingly appealing; glamorous: a sexy new car.

excerpt from CBCNEWS

Earlier this month, the country's Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry labelled Lavigne's show unsuitable, especially since it is scheduled to take place two days before Malaysia's independence day celebrations.

The youth wing of a fundamentalist opposition party, the Pan-Malaysian Islamic party, had complained the punk-pop performer was "too sexy" for the conservative Asian nation.

all right folks, I find this very ridiculous
. this Pan Islamic Party is being so unreasonable or shall I say shallow minded. "too sexy" come on , I dun see anything wrong with Arvil songs or image. sometimes I just don't get it. are we in the 21th century or still in 'zaman purba'. this sort of claims really make me feel all the more sad to a a Malaysian.

This here is an example of BIAS ARGUMENT.
This falls under Ad Populum Fallacy of False Dilemma.
and "too sexy" is too VAGUE.

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