Sunday, August 31, 2008


Today is Merdeka! Our Independent Day. we should be all hype and proud that its the day our country became Independent from British colonial since 1957. however that wasn't the case. all I saw was ppl minding their own business even when the national anthem was playing. Me too wasn't giving much attention to it. So me and my friends just happen to discuss about this topic.

F1 : "Look, we Malaysian are sad.Nobody give a damn about Merdeka."

F2 : "Obviously la. U see what the morons running our country are doing!"

Me: "What? Thinking of an excuse to explain the inflation?"

F2 : "Abuden, see what they doing to Malaysia. With the petrol hike everyone is
suffering. Who would give a damn merdeka. we are going down,man."

F1 : "Yalar, true also. nobody's willing to spend. Heck even the minister won't spend
on unnessary things like that. I think they rather keep the 'rasuah' to them self."

Here is an example of ASSUMPTION.

Assume = makin an Ass out of U and ME

Me : *thinking to myself. this is it. I just got myself something to write for the blog.

Firstly, I want to state clearly that what I'm going to write next will be alittle disturbing and sensative. I hesitated at first but I still write it anyway because I did not see any rule or regulation or limitation in the assignment question stating I cannot do this.It may be stupid yet simple truth.

the conversation continued on but this was the bomb.

F2 : "u see, a witness came forth about the *censored* case(foreign model) regarding our (DP). next thing u know, the opposition party leader was accuse of 'sodomy'
scandal. they are just trying to cover their ass only. focusing on nonsense instead
of what really matters. catching someone who did sodomy instead of a murde..."

(the arguer tries to sidetrack his audience by raising an irrelevant issue.)

Red Herring is very often used by politician. using very irrelevant reason.
If the people managing our country are morons does that make us citizen little morons?

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