Sunday, August 31, 2008


Today is Merdeka! Our Independent Day. we should be all hype and proud that its the day our country became Independent from British colonial since 1957. however that wasn't the case. all I saw was ppl minding their own business even when the national anthem was playing. Me too wasn't giving much attention to it. So me and my friends just happen to discuss about this topic.

F1 : "Look, we Malaysian are sad.Nobody give a damn about Merdeka."

F2 : "Obviously la. U see what the morons running our country are doing!"

Me: "What? Thinking of an excuse to explain the inflation?"

F2 : "Abuden, see what they doing to Malaysia. With the petrol hike everyone is
suffering. Who would give a damn merdeka. we are going down,man."

F1 : "Yalar, true also. nobody's willing to spend. Heck even the minister won't spend
on unnessary things like that. I think they rather keep the 'rasuah' to them self."

Here is an example of ASSUMPTION.

Assume = makin an Ass out of U and ME

Me : *thinking to myself. this is it. I just got myself something to write for the blog.

Firstly, I want to state clearly that what I'm going to write next will be alittle disturbing and sensative. I hesitated at first but I still write it anyway because I did not see any rule or regulation or limitation in the assignment question stating I cannot do this.It may be stupid yet simple truth.

the conversation continued on but this was the bomb.

F2 : "u see, a witness came forth about the *censored* case(foreign model) regarding our (DP). next thing u know, the opposition party leader was accuse of 'sodomy'
scandal. they are just trying to cover their ass only. focusing on nonsense instead
of what really matters. catching someone who did sodomy instead of a murde..."

(the arguer tries to sidetrack his audience by raising an irrelevant issue.)

Red Herring is very often used by politician. using very irrelevant reason.
If the people managing our country are morons does that make us citizen little morons?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sexy or NO you tell me

sex·y [sek-see]
–adjective, sex·i·er, sex·i·est.
1.concerned predominantly or excessively with sex; risqué: a sexy novel.
2.sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality: the sexiest professor on campus.
3.excitingly appealing; glamorous: a sexy new car.

excerpt from CBCNEWS

Earlier this month, the country's Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry labelled Lavigne's show unsuitable, especially since it is scheduled to take place two days before Malaysia's independence day celebrations.

The youth wing of a fundamentalist opposition party, the Pan-Malaysian Islamic party, had complained the punk-pop performer was "too sexy" for the conservative Asian nation.

all right folks, I find this very ridiculous
. this Pan Islamic Party is being so unreasonable or shall I say shallow minded. "too sexy" come on , I dun see anything wrong with Arvil songs or image. sometimes I just don't get it. are we in the 21th century or still in 'zaman purba'. this sort of claims really make me feel all the more sad to a a Malaysian.

This here is an example of BIAS ARGUMENT.
This falls under Ad Populum Fallacy of False Dilemma.
and "too sexy" is too VAGUE.

Friday, August 29, 2008

What is Critical Thinking?

Speed is feeling , Time is speed. Ever experience not having enuf time for the day? this was what i felt today. Ok, just as any other Friday I struggled up brush myself, dress-up ,pet my dog before heading out with my weapons for yet another day of war. As usual, sat and stone through 4 hours of tedious lecture. By this time, its already 12pm. Walk off to the car under a colossal scorching sun whispering to myself " Yes, FREEDOM!".

THis is where my ever hectic day starts. So I was driving to my friend1 apartment to check out his newly bought 'Xs GS' guitar. Bang! it just struck me 'assignment' 'blog' 'critical thinking'...noooway of all time not NOW!!


absolutely no idea what I'm suppose to do or write. what to do ...what to do. Okeh. I reach my friend's apartment in Sri Kembangang(SK). while checking out his uber cool guitar. my phone rang. apparently friend2 needs my help to load his furniture and stuffs from SK to Kelana Jaya. since i got time (clearly something I dun have) plainly agreed to help.


the weather is freaking hot . curse!! I got out of the apartment. On my way to friend2 place, WTF traffic out of no where!! what the. ppl just illegal park , double park , some even triple park on a one way sraight road.
After loading everything to my car and friend2 car, we head straight to Kelana Jaya. Traffic was smooth until the Subang toll. gosh!!! at 3 pm why in the world is there so many vehicles??? it was practically stationary.


so there i was waiting patiencely(barely loosing it) ok what do i need to write for the blog?? no idea... *blank ..sumore under the circumstances still nthg came to mind.
this is when i started asking myself WHAT IS CRITICAL THINKING? i've been seeing this question quite often yet i did not bother. In fact in the first lecture slide as well as in the mid-term test 'what is critical thinking and how does it help a manager?'gee why did i not bother about it?

*Critical Thinking is the single most boring subject ever*

that was what I thought at that point.trying to recollect whatever I know or learn in the class and then suddenly without me realising , while still trap in the traffic, i started looking at every single thing.
road signs, ppl's car plate , advertising board, whatever that could give me inspiration all the way to Kelana Jaya. 5.20pm. it took us 2 and a half to reach.WTF. okeh , unload off everthing then i straight rush back home.

Had my dinner, took my shower and off I'm out again! this time to SS14 PJ Digital Mall to get myself a printer which I have been surveying for a week.Time i left 7.40pm. Time i reach 9pm.

*Traffic King*

yes, stranded in a f***king jam for the 3rd time. at this point i was already loosing it.
i cursed all way from Western Digital all the way to Digital Mall. imagine, a distant of 40km which usually took 40 min at most to reach took me a freaking 2hour plus. Hell i could already reach Mallaca by now. imagine. ok my point is although i was cursing most of the time , i was actually looking at sign, banner, billboard along the highway ,anything that could lead me to critical thinking.

*lights of hope*

Bought the printer , had a drink , say bye-bye to friend then head home.(still no idea what critical thinking is all about).
disappointed. the only reward after a long stressful terifficking jam day is the new toy i got myself(printer).
Here I am staring at the pc blogging. last thing i ever thought i would do.
Alright fine, give up.
Honestly, i can't explain what critical thinking is.
But in my opinion, I think critical thinking is about thinking differently.
what i mean by it is that I was actually having fun looking out for ideas to put in this blog by coming out with all sort of ideas which i never thought off before. exp. implementing what I've learn in tutorials. I was actually trying hard. For a subject I find very boring this is really something i never experience. If you were to make something fun out of ordinary , it become fun. I am actually wanting to read up more on critical thinking. Okeh okeh back to my point. Critical Thinking is about putting your mind to it. understanding the meaning of words use in statement or argument. make it fun if its boring.if helps. bombarding ppl with 'u just use ad hominem fallacies' and make ppl go huh!.such as how you should generalise a matter before jumping into conclusion and above all being rational.